coming soon

Book: The Refugee Entrepreneur

Kickstarter: Children’s Books

Book: How to make work more human

out now

short stories

Remington rand

Imagining better worlds and ways of being human. Speculative fiction, fantasy, anti-colonial horror. A little personal writing.


olivetti 22

Haiku & longer forms, anchor-less upon the shores of the silent digital sea; that they might arrive at the beaches of your mind.


lettera 32

Tabletop role playing games. Most provided free to the world; plus previews of in progress work. A few choose your own adventures.

why i write

In order to breathe deeply of life; chronicle the meanderings; I string together a few words here and there - in poetic form, narrative tales; and the occasional table-top role playing game.

  • Add value to people’s lives

  • Learn the art of writing by practice; share the humble resulting works with the world

  • If people so enjoy it enough, a cycle of feedback and community that keeps me going.

This website is a repository of this progress.

art archive

Branch and Blossom Art

Branch and Blossom

Watercolour words

Skyscapes SHKM Art


Roots SHKM Art
