Ep VI - Milan - Listicle Time!

The first document of our trip through Italy - Milano, Venezie, Firenze; a whirlwind tour of the land of the Lombards, the Venetians and the Medici. More bling, sexy gondolas, roman architecture and ninja turtles.

Ep V - Bruiser’s Story

My goal is to be the most well-fed and well-travelled puppy in a da whole worlds. And because I don’t poo (except for that one time on daddy’s pillow whilst mummy was distracted with Canto dramas), they can take me anywhere!

Ep IV - Paris, France - Fancy Pants and Bling Bling

... prefer just being present in an unfamiliar place; trying to hang out where locals frequent and no tourists are; walking quieter streets and eating at the same time and place that locals (instead of tourists) do. Cause Corps often affords us the opportunity to meet people that aren’t just the normal people you encounter in the service industry...

Bonn-E and K-Ride

Bonnie and Clyde, in far-flung a future where entire galaxies toil under the yoke of an Authority.

She would have fought alongside him. Together, missiles aloft, lasers bristling; they would have filled the vast, comet populated space with a thousand more hunks of broken metal...

The Colour of Sunrise (Part One of Three)

A steadfast warrior monk with conviction painted in black and white is driven by holy mission to confront his own gods. Story in three parts.

Hime descended from the mountains at dawn, the sun at his back. His sturdy leathers creaked, heavy on his broad shoulders. Absently, his hand caressed the worn pommel of his war'ring. The bladed chevron of lightweight steel was a familiar companion...

Short Story: The Scourge of Tharsis

"Benedict Arnold"  on a newly free Mars.

Gauntwings flew overhead; cigar-shapes arranged in a digitally-perfected delta. Routine Blue patrol, rendered in silence by a metre of nano-glass separating the cold vacuum of space from the station interior. The Earth Alliance Free Fall Navy insignia gleamed proudly blue from their bodies. The opposing Red patrol, spheres bristling with Ares-class kinetic-kill shards, would be overhead in twenty minutes...

Short Story: In Forma Pauperis

A "Learning Story" written whilst learning my craft. One must document mistakes in order to improve!

There once was a poor man who heard that there was the next town over. As the man had never been out of the village in his life, the concept of the `next town' was a indistinct, abstract distance away...

Short Story: Perched On The Edge of Sanity

An ode to Barack Obama, eventual two-term President of the United States. Originally written right after his first election.

Two wolves perched on a ledge, high above the undulating landscape. The wind howled and screeched around them, but their fine pelts of fur kept the winter cold at bay. The tundra was a harsh, unforgiving place, where mistakes were costly and life was a tapestry of freezing snow and steaming blood...