12 Jan 2023
A friend of mine was playing with my Olivetti 22, and created the below prompt:
Zeitgeist is a word that people use who have never been to Mars. You wouldn't dare go if you knew how many people there hate Venus.
I loved it. I thought I would respond to said friend in verse:
World-feeling minted by social currency
Planet-wide zeitgeist - unreality generality
Shifting dusty scree on Plains Arcadia
Where bedrock truths emerge from the melee
From atop Tharsis Montes across Hellas wide
In Marineris folds or by Phobos light
A love unrequited hath Martians for those
Departing tumble roses who call Venus home
No bloodshed mars these habitat domes
and only tears flow
between these
once-kindred zones.