(The Grove of Pen'ne)
author unknown
On a bough of aspen leaves I sat
In a circle of aspen trees
I awaited in the world's red heart
Entwined b'twixt my canopy
I looked 'top hills for our fathers flags
I looked for brother's flashing blades
I looked in vain, for none homeward come
As war makes widows of woodland maids
On a bough of aspen leaves I sat
In a circle of aspen trees
I awaited in the red world's heart
Entwined b'twixt my canopy
I was painted in our blue and gold
I was painted 'midst our dance and song
I was painted with our marriage whorls
'neath shadows growing forever long
Never did my betrothed return, though I waited 'yond a century;
So long sat I in aspen grove; that I became an aspen tree.
- Original poem from SHKM, excerpted from the novel "Artwork"