Writings and compositions; the dream of better worlds.

Looking for an agent and editors who resonate with my work. Contact: steven@remare.co

All content contained herein is copyright Remare Pty Ltd, all rights reserved. ABN 43 654 275 493

A New White Sun

A New White Sun

​Original art, lyrics, performance and composition by SHKM. Art done in Illustrator, spoken word recorded and mixed in GarageBand.

SHKM's spoken word performance of "White Sun", a story of the Chinese Diaspora.

An open door, a long-past war;
a history told in riddles
stars on red faced blue and white
and I stand nowhere in the middle.

A power cold, a people sold;
on sand, salt and bitter tears,
ten million words seed barren soil
washed away by gutted years

A dead white sun, a desperate run, 
the gloom of silence greater
than red, red blood and rotting stench
masked by clean white paper 

They ask me now, through smile bared teeth, how really I do feel
Our culture gone, the dream no more, still unable to kneel

Deus Ex Machina

Deus Ex Machina

Ghost In the Machine

Ghost In the Machine