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Lean Chat -> Lean Workshop! Choose your own adventure strategic discussions

Consider that you have a group of people that you'd like to provide value in the form of:

  • evangelism, sparking interest and desire creation
  • expertise injection
  • facilitate detailed discussions

Consider using this sample format for a "choose your own adventure" type workshop. It allows you to have a soft touch and gets your attendees to take ownership of the agenda directly.


  1. Lay down a set of cards with topics on them, in one of these four interaction modes:
    • [K] Knowledge - We present on the relevant topic
    • [TD] Topic Discussion - The attendees discuss "what does this mean for us?"
    • [AMA] Ask Me Anything - We provide an expert on said topic, and the attendees ask questions on the topic.
    • [DCS] Demo/Case Study - We provide a live technical demo; OR business-facing case study
  2. Explain to the attendees what the topics are. For example, the Agile and Lean component would have cards such as:
    • [K] Knowledge - Modern Agile & Lean Management Concepts
    • [K] The Three Wastes - Mura, Muda, Muri
    • [K] 5S & the Toyota Way
    • [K] "Doing" Agile vs. Being Agile - Change Management
    • [K] Kaizen (Continuous Improvement), Kaikaku (Strategic Improvement & Pivoting)
    • [TD] Why Agile? Why Lean?
    • [TD] What does continuous improvement look like for us? What does pivoting look like for us?
    • [AMA] Agile, Lean, Kaizen
    • [DCS] Aussie Home Loans - Rescue Project to Best Practice Model
    • [DCS] Startups, Innovation and Agile - Talent Tag, Mind Ink, Real Retros
  3. Ask the group to rank the group's level of interest (say, via show of hands) in each topic, and rank the topics by interest.
  4. Choose a "cut off point" that it's realistic to over in the time that you have.
  5. Start moving through the agenda, tailoring it to be longer/shorter depending on what the team has asked for.


  • Prepare the set of cards listed above - write them on the index cards.
  • Prepare your materials, presentation, etc. required for each card

If you try this out

Let me know how you go!

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